1080 PIGOUT® Feral Pig Bait

1080 PIGOUT® Feral Pig Bait


Download: PIGOUT® Feral Pig Bait Product Brochure
Download: PIGOUT® Feral Pig Bait Product Label

PIGOUT® Feral Pig Bait is a factory-prepared, shelf-stable bait for the control of feral pigs.

The bait is made with a sturdy, fish-flavoured cereal matrix, specially flavoured and dyed to maximise uptake by pigs and minimise uptake by birds and other non-target species. The bait is strengthened by an edible bio-degradable cellulose skin also designed to reduce non-target uptake, ensure ease of handling and increase the resilience of the bait when deployed from the air.

PIGOUT® baits have proven to be more target specific for feral pigs than other commonly used bait types such as meat and grain due to their size and appeal to an omnivorous diet.

Each bait contains 72 mg of 1080 contained in a patented toxin delivery system that is incorporated into the centre of each bait. The bait core is designed to minimise migration of poison into the surrounding bait matrix.

Field research with both toxic and non-toxic PIGOUT® baits has indicated that most non-target animals (including livestock) that visit bait sites are unlikely to eat significant portions of the baits.

As the poison is localised in the patented core, the bait matrix itself contains virtually no poison, thus non-target animals can consume part of the bait with reduced risk of consuming a lethal dose of the toxin.

For frequently asked questions, and the recommended process for initiating an effective feral pig baiting program, please see the pdf documents above. Relevant chemical safety documents can be found in the Safety Data section of our website.

Protection of native fauna, stock, working dogs and pets

PIGOUT® baits have been shown to be highly target specific and have several features to help minimise the risks of 1080 poisoning during feral pig control programs to non-target animals.

The poison in PIGOUT® is localised to the centre of each bait in a special core, and the matrix is coloured, flavoured and structured to minimise uptake by most non-target herbivores, carnivores, birds and stock.

Nevertheless, no control operation is risk free and in addition to following the instructions on the label, the following measures should be adopted to further minimise risks to all non-target animals:

  • Free-feed with non toxic PIGOUT® Free-Feed baits in conjunction with swept soil or sand plots in areas of high conservation value to identify non-target animals in the baiting area.

  • DO NOT deploy baits where tracks or other signs indicate that non-target animals or stock are eating free-feed baits.

  • Working dogs and domestic pets should be restrained or muzzled.

  • Baiting must not occur where wildlife or stock could be harmed.

Distance restrictions

1080 baiting is not permitted in urban or residential areas where potential harm to domestic animals or people may occur.

There are various state and territory regulations as to where poison baiting can occur in relation to various features such as houses, roads, water courses and property boundaries.

Baits must be placed at least 150m from a dwelling; 20m from permanent or flowing water bodies; 5m from boundary fences; and 5m from the edge of formed public roadways; or as specified by State/Territory.

Notification and signage requirements

Neighbours must be notified to allow them to take appropriate action. The notification must advise that steps (e.g. restraint, muzzling) need to be taken to ensure that domestic dogs do not gain access to 1080 baits or poisoned animals.

The notification must specify the dates between which baiting will occur. This notification should be in writing and should be given to all adjoining landholders at least 72 hours in advance except where alternative communication arrangements have been made that meet State/Territory requirements and overall safety criteria.

A record of the notifications must be kept. Baiting must commence within ten days of notification or else another three days notice of intent to lay baits is required.

Users must ensure that signs are put up immediately before 1080 poisoning operations commence on the property and are placed according to requirements specified by the relevant State/Territory. See the State 1080 Regulations page on this site for more specific details.

Signs must be maintained for at least 4 weeks after the authorised period of bait lay has expired or after all uneaten baits have been collected.

How do I purchase this product?

For all ACTA products, the most efficient way to purchase what you need is to contact your local rural merchant store and ask for our products - our main distributors are listed here.

For products that contain 1080 or PAPP, regulations vary between States & Territories.

If you are in NSW, contact your regional Local Land Services (LLS).
If you are in South Australia, contact you regional Landscape Boards.

All other areas should be able to access products directly from your local rural merchant store.

Contact us for more information if required and we can advise you on the best way forward.

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